✍🏽 How To Create A Blog Post in Kajabi

kajabi tricks Aug 02, 2019



Today I want to show you how to create a blog post with the transcription that we pulled from the YouTube video. So the first thing we're going to do is go into Kajabi, and where we're gonna create our blog post.
Click on the Website tab (top left), and then go to the Blog. We're going to create a new blog post and this is where we're gonna put the transcription. 
  • Click Create (New Blog post)
  • Give it a Title
  • Copy in transcription (from last tutorial)
  • Edit the video
  • Fix any kind of formatting (ie numbering, spacing, etc)
  • Create a good sign off
  • Check URL’s (links)
  • Preview and double check how the formatting looks
Now lets embed the video we made that’s posted on youtube. Make sure the video is published and made public first! You can update the metadata in the video later if you’d like, but it’s something not to forget. 
The advantage of “embedding” the youtube video instead of just uploading the video into the blog (which you could do), is 1. this is a much easier process, and 2. anytime someone plays a video from your blog post you’ll get “credits” in the form of play counts etc, for your video in YouTube, which will help your YouTube channel grow!
  • Go to youtube video, in the view that others would see
  • Click Share, the click Embed button.
  • If you want to choose a different start time, you can select that here,
  • Then hit copy
  • Go back into the Kajabi blog creation page, and click where you want the video to be.
  • Next click the “embed” button on the tool bar, and paste the code you just copied.
  • Click Ok
  • Now you should see the video in the blog
  • Edit any carriage returns and spaces before and after the video
  • Preview the blog again
Lastly we need to update the SEO information for your blog, to help search engines scrub your video and allow people to find it better. There’s a little area at the bottom of the create blog post area called SEO and Sharing. We are going to fill that in. But first. 
  • Preview your blog again.
  • Using the “screen capture” function of your Mac or PC, capture the image of the video, with the “play” button in the middle of the screen, do give indication that this is a video when people see the image. (on a Mac you can hold the shift and command key, and click 4. You’ll get a little cross hair mouse cursor, then select the area you want using the left mouse key, and release)
  • Go back into Kajabi, and go into the SEO and Sharing area
  • Add the Page Title (should be the same as above)
  • Add something to Description (often times you can just grab text from the post transcription)
  • Upload the screen shot in the Image area
  • Click save
Now do one more final check, using the Preview feature. And then Click the PUBLISH Button, and click Save. 
Congratulations, you’ve got a great post you can now use to send through social media or an email blast!!!
In the next blog, I'll show you a great way to send out this blog to your email list! 
xxx - Zion
PS: If you're curious about Kajabi, use my affiliate ink here for a free trial. 
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