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Audio Processing

  • Each track recorded treated independently
  • Intros and outros added
  • Headliner and Ad-spots added when needed
  • Final mixed and mastered for podcast standard loudness
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Information Harvesting

  • Teaser or headliner for episode identified
  • Full raw transcription generated 
  • 3 "ah-ha" moments captured for repurposing
  • Description and metadata for show-notes gathered
  • Edited and listened through fully


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Graphic Design

  • A unique episode graphic is created for promoting
  • 2 social media graphics, with podcast logo, are created based on timestamp "ah-ha" moments of podcast, to be used for Get Known strategy followup posts


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  • Final audio uploaded and scheduled to be published, including metadata, show-notes, and episode graphic
  • Ensure podcast providers are receiving correct podcast information
  • A YouTube audio-video of your podcast is created and publishing to client's channel


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Blog Creation

  • Create new blog post with audio embedded, show-notes, timestamps, and full transcription
  • Include episode info for sharing purposes, and SEO
  • Schedule to publish on day of podcast release
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  • Draft or schedule email for subscriber announcement
  • Blast all social media accounts with news of podcast release, with episode graphic
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Podcast Snippet

  • 1 minute "audiogram" snippet created and scheduled halfway between podcast cycles
  • This snippet can used for paid ads if the client so decides
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Followup Social Posts

  • 2 more posts scheduled on social media platforms, with graphic cards and teaser text
  • All followup posts redirect users back to blog with embedded audio
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Asset Archive

  • All textual information, audio, and graphics pertaining to episode get filed away on cloud backup of client's choosing
  • A final email is created and delivered to client illustrating all the work that was done with publishing date and feedback
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Dr. Angela Zechmann

"All I have to do is to create and record awesome content for my audience, and Zion and his team take care of the rest… and I mean ALL the rest!"

Pretty Cool, huh?!

As you can see our service relieves a huge amount of work off the shoulders of our podcast clients. This allows them to fully focus on the podcast, knowing and resting assured that a professional team has got their back with producing, publishing the podcast, and all the marketing strategies. Schedule a call with me today and let's figure out whether or not the Get Known Podcast Service is the right fit for your podcast.

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